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Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps
  • Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps
  • Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps
  • Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps
  • Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps

Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps


Lx-GH Prime - A Powerful Anabolic Formula for Muscle Growth

Lx-GH Prime BY Phoenix Labs is a cutting-edge anabolic supplement that comes in a convenient 60-capsule format, specifically designed to support and enhance muscle growth. This advanced formula features a sophisticated blend of the most potent ingredients, including SARMs, prohormones, and a robust aromatase inhibitor. These components work together to optimize testosterone levels in the body, creating an ideal environment for significant muscle gains.

SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are included in Lx-GH Prime to selectively target muscle and bone tissue, promoting muscle growth without many of the unwanted side effects related with traditional anabolic steroids. The prohormones in the formula further support muscle building by boosting hormone levels, leading to increased strength and muscle mass.

The inclusion of a powerful aromatase inhibitor ensures that estrogen levels are kept in check, preventing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This helps maintain a high testosterone environment, which is crucial for achieving lean, high-quality muscle mass.

Lx-GH Prime is the perfect choice for seasoned athletes and bodybuilders who are serious about taking their muscle-building efforts to the next level. Whether you're looking to bulk up or refine your physique, this supplement provides the advanced support needed to achieve your goals with maximum efficiency.

Benefits of LX GH Prime:

Enhanced Muscle Growth. The powerful combination of SARMs, prohormones, and testosterone boosters in Lx-GH Prime creates an optimal environment for substantial muscle development. These ingredients work synergistically to accelerate muscle growth, allowing you to achieve significant gains in lean muscle mass more efficiently.

Greater Strength. By elevating anabolic hormone levels, this blend contributes to noticeable improvements in strength and power. The enhanced hormonal environment supports muscle contraction and overall physical performance, enabling you to lift heavier and perform better during workouts.

Faster Recovery. Lx-GH Prime helps reduce recovery times by promoting efficient muscle repair and growth. This allows you to train more frequently and with greater intensity, leading to faster progress and more consistent results in your fitness journey.

Ideal Hormonal Balance. The formula is designed to maintain optimal testosterone and growth hormone levels, which are crucial for overall well-being and athletic performance. By balancing these hormones, Lx-GH Prime supports not only muscle growth but also energy levels, mood, and overall health.

Concentrated Anabolic Effect. The inclusion of SARMs provides targeted and efficient anabolic support, focusing specifically on muscle and bone tissue. This targeted approach maximizes muscle mass and strength gains while minimizing unwanted side effects, making the anabolic effects of the supplement both powerful and precise.

Composition of LX GH Prime:

Arimistane (50 mg). Is a potent aromatase inhibitor that plays a crucial role in maintaining an optimal hormonal balance. By preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, Arimistane helps to increase testosterone levels while reducing estrogen, leading to enhanced muscle growth, reduced fat storage, and improved muscle definition. This makes it a key component in any anabolic formula aimed at maximizing muscle gains and minimizing unwanted side effects.

Epistane (20 mg). Epistane is a powerful prohormone known for its anabolic properties, particularly its ability to promote lean muscle mass and increase strength. It functions by attaching to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, stimulating protein synthesis and muscle growth. Additionally, Epistane has anti-estrogenic effects, which help in reducing water retention and enhancing muscle hardness.

MK-677 (12.5 mg). Also known as Ibutamoren, MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that stimulates the release of growth hormone and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1). This leads to improved muscle growth, enhanced recovery, and better overall body composition. MK-677 also supports fat loss and improves sleep quality, which is essential for recovery and muscle repair.

DMZ (5 mg). Dymethazine, is a potent prohormone that enhances muscle mass and strength gains. It is known for its ability to produce rapid increases in lean muscle tissue while minimizing water retention. DMZ also contributes to a harder, more defined physique, making it a valuable addition to any muscle-building stack.

RAD-140 (5 mg).Commonly known as Testolone, is a highly effective SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that offers powerful anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects. It is particularly effective at promoting lean muscle gains, increasing strength, and improving endurance. RAD-140 is often favored for its ability to enhance muscle mass while preserving muscle during cutting phases.

LGD-4033 (5 mg). Ligandrol, is another powerful SARM added in the Lx-GH Prime formula. It is renowned for its ability to significantly increase lean muscle mass and strength. LGD-4033 works by binding to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, enhancing protein synthesis and muscle growth without the side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids.

GW-501516 (5 mg). Also known as Cardarine, GW-501516 is a PPARδ receptor agonist that plays a key role in enhancing endurance and promoting fat loss. It increases the body’s ability to burn fat for energy, making it easier to achieve a leaner, more defined physique. Additionally, GW-501516 improves cardiovascular performance, allowing for more intense and prolonged workouts.

One capsule = one serving.

Each container contains 60 servings.

LX GH Prime Usage Instructions:

Take 1 capsule per day, based on your level of progress.


Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value**
Arimistane    50 mg
Epistane    20 mg
MK-677 12.5 mg
DMZ      5 mg
RAD-140      5 mg
LGD-4033      5 mg
GW-501516      5 mg

**Daily Values not established.


Dosage: Take 1 capsule per day, based on your level of progress.


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Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 caps