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Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps
  • Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps
  • Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps
  • Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps
  • Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps

Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps


Introducing Lawless Labs Savage - A Premium SARM Stack for Optimal Muscle Growth:

The Lawless Labs Savage product is at the forefront of SARM technology, containing a blend of three strong SARMs - Ostarine, LGD-4033, and YK-11. This potent mix is designed to effectively increase muscle mass, support bone density, and prevent mineral loss in bones. By specifically targeting myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth, Savage enables users to exceed their natural muscle building potential.

Benefits of Lawless Labs Savage:

Powerful Anabolic Effects: Each component in the stack is known for its strong anabolic properties, promoting an environment conducive to muscle growth without the harsh side effects associated with anabolic steroids.

Increased Strength: The combination of these SARMs significantly boosts strength levels. This enhanced strength allows for more intense and productive workouts, pushing the limits of what can be achieved during each training session.

Enhanced Endurance: Users can expect a noticeable improvement in endurance, facilitating longer and harder training sessions. This is particularly beneficial for athletes who engage in extensive physical activities that require sustained performance.

Growth of Pure Muscle Mass: The stack is specifically designed to promote the growth of lean muscle mass. It aids in reducing body fat and increasing muscle density, leading to a more defined and sculpted physique.

Composition of Lawless Labs Savage:

Ostarine (12.5mg). A non-steroidal SARM that has undergone clinical trials for its potential to counteract muscle wasting and enhance muscle growth. Ostarine is renowned for its strong anabolic properties, making it ideal for those aiming to build lean muscle. It works by utilizing stored fat for energy while efficiently channeling nutrients to muscle tissues. Unlike traditional anabolic steroids, Ostarine does not interact with certain enzymes, thereby minimizing adverse effects often linked with high testosterone levels. It offers muscle-building benefits similar to testosterone but with fewer androgenic effects, thus supporting muscle growth and bone mineralization effectively.

YK-11 (5 mg). Although chemically similar to steroids, YK-11 is classified as a SARM and is recognized for its potent effects due to its steroid-like structure. By binding to androgen receptors, YK-11 induces muscle cells to produce more anabolic factors, which enhances muscle growth. YK-11 is particularly advantageous for those looking to increase muscle mass or maintain muscle without the added bulk of fat, promoting lean muscle development.

LGD-4033 (4 mg). Also known as Ligandrol, this SARM is one of the most popular on the market due to its effectiveness and extensive research backing. LGD-4033 interacts with androgen receptors to offer increased energy, combat fatigue, and significantly promote muscle growth. Users typically notice a more sculpted physique with decreased body fat, resulting in harder muscles and improved vascularity. Moreover, LGD-4033 has a positive effect on the health of tendons and ligaments, enhancing overall physical performance and durability.

One capsule = one serving.

Lawless Labs Savage Dosage Instructions:

Take one capsule 2-3 times per day.


Serving size: 1 capsule

Servings per container: 90 capsules

Amount Per Serving

Ostarine (MK2866)

  12.5 mg


      5 mg


      4 mg

Other Ingredients: Rice flower, gelatin, calcium silicate.


Dosage: Take one capsule 2-3 times per day.


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Lawless Savage Sarm Stack 90 caps