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Xtreme PWO formulas

Hammer Labz Monster Strength 375 g
  • Hammer Labz Monster Strength 375 g
  • Hammer Labz Monster Strength 375 g
  • Hammer Labz Monster Strength 375 g
  • Hammer Labz Monster Strength 375 g

Hammer Labz Monster Strength DMHA 375 g


Hammer Labz Monster Strength Pre-Workout

Hammer Monster Strength is a superior pre-workout supplement crafted by Hammer Labz, featuring DMHA as a key ingredient. This product delivers a robust blend of components that together foster enhanced stimulation, impressive muscle pumps, and enduring energy throughout your training sessions. It’s specifically formulated to boost energy, stamina, strength, and mental focus ahead of your workouts. Hammer Labz is dedicated to ensuring that every session at the gym is as productive as possible, helping users maintain peak intensity and reap maximum benefits.

Ideal for those who aim for a holistic pre-workout regime, Hammer Monster Strength is designed to empower you to release the powerhouse within during your workouts. Whether you're lifting heavy weights or pushing through high-intensity cardio, this supplement is your ally in achieving your fitness goals.

Benefits of Hammer Labz Monster Strength:

Powerful Stimulation. Hammer Labz Monster Strength is designed to deliver intense stimulation, significantly enhancing your focus and motivation during exercise sessions. This heightened stimulation helps you stay driven and engaged, pushing you to perform at your best.

Unparalleled Pump. Experience remarkable muscle pumps with Monster Strength. This supplement is engineered to increase muscle fullness and vascularity, making your muscles look more pronounced and aiding in more effective workouts.

Complete Functionality. With Hammer Labz Monster Strength, expect holistic support in your fitness journey. This supplement is tailored to optimize functionality in every aspect of your workout—from strength and endurance to recovery—ensuring you can operate at peak efficiency.

Quick Energy Boost. Known for its rapid action, Monster Strength provides an immediate energy surge that can energize your workouts from start to finish. This quick boost not only fuels your exercise sessions but also enhances your overall performance, helping you achieve and surpass your fitness goals.

How it works - Hammer Labz Monster Strength:

Potent Formula for Optimal Results. Hammer Monster Strength 375g pre-workout is specifically designed to give you an added advantage when you need it the most. With carefully chosen active ingredients, each serving delivers the energy necessary to drive your workouts and push you to new limits. From enhanced energy levels to improved focus, this supplement has all the essentials you require.

Intense Energy Surge. Bid farewell to exhaustion during your workouts, as this potent formula offers a surge of intense energy to help you stay strong from beginning to end, regardless of your training regimen.

Enhanced Focus. Say no to distractions during your training sessions. Hammer Monster Strength 375g pre-workout can enhance your focus, enabling you to concentrate on your objectives and reach them sooner than you anticipated.

Explosive Strength Gain. If you are prepared to elevate your strength training, then Hammer Monster Strength 375g pre-workout stands ready as your powerful ally. With a formulation rich in energy-boosting ingredients, you'll experience noticeable increases in strength with each training session, pushing your limits further than before.

Unparalleled Performance Enhancement. This pre-workout isn't just for lifting weights, it's also a superb addition to any endurance training regimen. The specialized composition of Hammer Monster Strength enhances muscle efficiency, allowing for extended muscle performance during training sessions. This means you can push harder and longer, setting new personal records in endurance and strength.

GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is prevalent in pre-workout supplements, helping to boost focus and relaxation. At a dose of 500 mg, it aids concentration and lowers stress during intense workouts by acting as a calming neurotransmitter in the brain. This results in better control of stress and muscle tension for athletes.

Composition of Hammer Labz Monster Strength:

Energy and Focus Mix

Caffeine Anhydrous for Enhanced Performance. With 300 mg of Caffeine Anhydrous, this stimulant is essential for increasing alertness, focusing ability, and providing the extra energy required for vigorous exercise. It stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing performance and muscle strength while speeding up metabolism to burn more fat.

DMHA for Energy and Motivation. DMHA, dosed at 300 mg, is a potent stimulant that increases energy, focus, and training motivation. Often considered a safer alternative to other stimulants, DMHA boosts workout performance significantly.

Eria Jarensis for Mood and Energy. Eria Jarensis, also known as N,N-Dimethylphenethylamine, is valued in pre-workouts for its stimulating effects. It boosts dopamine levels, enhancing mood and energy, which are vital for intense exercise sessions. This ingredient also aids in focus, motivation, and fat burning, supporting weight loss and body sculpting.

N-Isopropylnorsynephrine for Thermogenesis. N-Isopropylnorsynephrine, at a 10 mg dose, is included in supplements for its ability to enhance thermogenesis and promote fat breakdown, increasing calorie burning by boosting body heat. Taken pre-workout, it sustains high nervous system activity levels.

Yohimbine HCL for Improved Circulation and Energy. Yohimbine HCL, at a 5 mg dose, is known for aiding weight loss and enhancing sexual function. In strength training, it improves blood flow to muscles, supporting their nourishment and recovery. Yohimbine also enhances energy levels and focus during intense workouts.

Muscle Pump Blend

L-Citrulline Malate (6000 mg), a staple in pre-workout supplements, boosts endurance by delaying fatigue during intense training. It increases arginine and nitric oxide production, enhancing blood flow and aerobic capacity. Malic acid in the mix supports energy production, crucial for muscle contraction. Together, they enhance muscular endurance, benefiting those aiming to improve training performance.

Agmatine Sulfate (1500 mg) enhances nitric oxide production, improving blood flow and muscle pump during workouts, which boosts nutrient delivery and muscle growth. Known for its neuroprotective effects, agmatine supports brain health and cognitive function, essential for maintaining focus. Additionally, it improves insulin sensitivity, supporting healthy blood sugar levels and body composition.

Glycerol (100mg), a key hydrating agent, is critical for athletes to maintain strength and performance levels. It helps retain water within cells, boosting physical performance, especially under strenuous conditions. Glycerol enhances blood plasma volume, improving blood flow and thermoregulation during intense training. It is ideal for optimizing hydration and circulation, crucial for peak athletic performance.

Arginine Nitrate (500 mg) combines arginine and nitrate, boosting the benefits of arginine in promoting nitric oxide production. This improves blood flow, enhances muscle oxygenation, and increases strength and endurance. Besides aiding post-workout recovery and treating erectile dysfunction, arginine nitrate also regulates cellular pH and provides antioxidant benefits.

Increased Strength Blend

Beta-Alanine (3000 mg). is a key ingredient in pre-workout supplements, known for its ability to improve muscle performance and delay fatigue. It increases carnosine levels in the muscles, which helps neutralize lactic acid buildup, allowing for longer periods of intense physical activity without fatigue.

Creatine HCL (500 mg). HCL stands out in pre-workout formulations due to its enhanced solubility and stability, which allow for rapid muscle tissue saturation. Even at a modest dose of 500 mg, it boosts strength and muscle mass. Creatine HCL is gentler on the digestive system compared to other forms, avoiding issues like bloating or gastrointestinal distress. It supports muscle regeneration and increases muscle efficiency, significantly improving workout performance.

Additive for improved absorption

Black Pepper Extract (5 mg). Is added to the mix to enhance the absorption of other active ingredients. At a dosage of 5 mg, it effectively increases the bioavailability of the supplement's components, ensuring more efficient uptake and utilization by the body.

1 serving = 15 grams.

Hammer Labz Monster Strength Usage Instructions:

Take one serving of 15 grams, 30 minutes before your workout.


Serving size: 1 scoop (15g)

Servings per container: 25

Amount Per Serving






Caffeine Anhydrous




Eria Jarensis 




Yohimbine HCL




L-Citrulline Malate


Agmatine Sulfate




Arginine Nitrate




Beta Alanine


Creatine HCL




Black Pepper Extract



Dosage: Take one serving of 15 grams, 30 minutes before your workout.


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Hammer Labz Monster Strength DMHA 375 g