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Estradiol Benefits And Mechanism Of Action

Estradiol Benefits And Mechanism Of Action

In recent years, much has been said about estradiol benefits and mechanism of action. The female sex hormone, which is responsible for regulating countless bodily processes, can treat a wide range of health conditions in women.

Across the world, medical practitioners recommend Estradiol to treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal changes. It can also treat low estrogen levels in women who are diagnosed with prostate/breast cancer or ovarian failure. Estradiol is also prescribed to treat the loss of bone (osteoporosis) in menopausal women.

Medically, the estrogenic steroid is routinely recommended to treat vasomotor symptoms of vulvar and vaginal atrophy in menopause. Estradiol is also used for treating hypoestrogenism, advanced androgen-dependent carcinoma of the prostate. It is also beneficial to prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis.

One of the best things about this naturally-occurring hormone that gets circulating endogenously in females is commercially available in countless hormone therapy products to treat hot flashes and vulvovaginal atrophy. Estradiol can be purchased in different forms such as gels, creams, injections, oral tablets, transdermal patches, vaginal rings, and sprays.

According to different studies, Estradiol tends to exert a positive effect on bone density via the inhibition of bone resorption. It is important to remember here that estrogen has the unique ability of stimulating an increase in hepatic synthesis of different proteins that include thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). It also helps in the suppression of the formation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the anterior pituitary gland.

In the body, Estradiol works by binding to subtypes of the estrogen receptor: estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ). It exerts potent agonism of the G Protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER). The estrogen receptor makes its way to the nucleus of the target cell after binding to its ligand. This helps in the regulation of gene transcription and stimulating the formation of the messenger DNA. The mRNA then makes a contact with specific proteins that produce ribosomes to express estradiol effects upon the target cells.

Estradiol levels can positively impact the development of your body's reproductive system. Abnormally high or low estradiol levels can negatively influence the functioning of different parts in the body such as vagina, sperm cells, breasts, womb, and fallopian tubes besides affecting libido and erectile function. Usually, estradiol levels are higher in women during their reproductive years. After menopause, the levels of estradiol tend to gradually fall. In some cases, abnormal estradiol levels can cause health conditions such as gynecomastia, breast cancer, infertility, menstrual complications, or ovarian tumors.

Estradiol levels are generally measured in picograms per milliliter (pg/ml). It is important to note here that normal estrogen levels are 30 to 400 pg/ml in premenopausal females, 30 to 4000 to 30 pg/ml in postmenopausal females, and 10 to 50 pg/ml in males.

Tests indicating low estradiol levels can signal ovarian failure, Turner syndrome, failing pregnancy, low levels of pituitary hormones, and menopause. Tests indicating high estradiol levels can indicate hyperthyroidism, liver damage, gynecomastia, or tumors in the ovaries, testicles, or adrenal glands.

Estradiol is not indicated to women who are lactating, pregnant, or breastfeeding. It is not advised to individuals who are diagnosed with severe health complications such as bleeding disorders, heart attack, blood clots, liver disease, or cancer of the cervix/uterus. Estradiol should be used with great sense by individuals who are diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

Extended-release estradiol tablets should not be crushed, chewed, or dissolved. You should not split extended-release estradiol tablets unless these tablets have a score line. The ideal way is to swallow the split or whole tablet without chewing or crushing or as directed by your doctor. The consumption of tobacco should be avoided completely while using Estradiol as the combination of estrogens and smoking can elevate the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, blood clots, or heart attack, especially in women who are 35 years older or elder.

The use of protective clothing when outdoors is recommended while on Estradiol. Sunlamps and tanning booths should be avoided while on Estradiol. Abuse or overdosing of estradiol can lead to side effects such as pelvic pain, slurred speech, jaundice, or swelling/tenderness in the stomach. Multiple estradiol doses should never be taken at the same time, even if the previous dosage has been accidentally missed. You should undergo regular medical examinations to find out whether you should keep on continuing with estradiol treatment.

While consuming Estradiol, it is highly recommended for women to self-examine their breasts to rule out the development of any lump. It is also advised to undergo a mammogram every year after you have started consuming Estradiol. 

You should only buy estradiol tablets after your doctor has approved its use for medicinal purposes. The purchase should be made only from trusted sources.

We hope that this informative guide on estradiol benefits and mechanism of action was useful to you.