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S-23 SARM Review

S-23 SARM Review

S 23 has become one of the most popular muscle-building and bodybuilding supplement in the recent few months. One of the biggest reasons behind the unprecedented popularity and success of this nonsteroidal SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) is that it offers superior benefits than Andarine (S-4), especially when it comes to getting rid of stubborn abdominal and visceral fat. A majority of bodybuilders admire this SARM as it mimics the action mechanism of the primary male sex hormone, testosterone. In addition to these advantages, this compound shows unmatched efficacy to prevent muscle wasting, harden muscles, boost fat loss, and promote the growth of lean muscle mass.

Let us explore more details about S-23.

Promotes lean muscle mass: S-23 is highly potent when it comes to burning body fat and building lean muscle mass at the same time. This means that you can get solid muscles and get into the best shape of your life at the same time while using S-23.

Enhances bone strength: Sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen play a big role to maintain healthy and strong bones. However, the natural production of estrogen gets severely impact in the case of postmenopausal women that makes them vulnerable to bone complications like osteoporosis. There is no denying the fact that bone mineralization is critical to well-being, but it is also important to improve muscle mass so that recovery can be promoted and bone fractures can be prevented.

This is where S-23 comes into the picture. It helps people explore the innumerable advantages of bone mineralization and improved muscle mass by activating bone-building cells and increasing muscle strength. The best thing is that you can expect to reap all these and many more benefits at both low as well as high doses of S-23.

The ideal dose of S-23 for beginners is 10mg every day, 15mg every day for intermediate users, and 25mg every day for advanced users. For women, the recommended dose is 5-10mg every day.

S-23 is not advised to children and women who are lactating, pregnant, or breastfeeding, unless otherwise specifically approved by a medical practitioner. In case you have accidentally missed out on a dose of S-23, you should take the missed dose as early as possible. However, if it's almost time to take your next dose, you should skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the usual time. Under no circumstances, two doses of S-23 should be taken together to make up for a missed dose. S-23 should not be overdosed or abused in hopes of quick or dramatic results else it can lead to S-23 side effects.

We hope that this S-23 SARM review will help you make an informed decision. 

Recommended product - Swiss pharmaceuticals S 23